Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Editing Your Stories

Writing is creating, but drafts need editing. I love Microsoft Word for its find and replace feature. Eons ago, I learned to type using a typewriter. Because of that, I have a habit of hitting the space bar twice after ending a sentence. That’s not correct when using a computer. But there’s an easy fix. By clicking the home tab and selecting replace, the find/replace window opens. Now the magic begins when I double space on the find what line, then single space on the replace line and select replace all. A twinge of satisfaction rushes through me when the command corrects twenty errors with a single keystroke. I repeat the task until the computer reports no replacements.

Recently, I wanted to rename a town in my book. Instead of reading every page to find the name, I used the feature. In an instant, Merryville became Cotton. I can also search for overused words. Turn and step pop up too often in my stories. When I’m on a creative streak, any generic word will do. Later I will use the find feature and change it to something fabulous.

To write well, I must write, write and rewrite.

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